大家好,对Python使用二分法(Bisection Method)求平方根示例感兴趣的小伙伴,下面一起跟随三零脚本的小编来看看Python使用二分法(Bisection Method)求平方根示例的例子吧。
使用二分法(Bisection Method)求平方根
def sqrtBI(x, epsilon):
assert x>0,'X must be non-nagtive, not ' + str(x)
assert epsilon >0,'epsilon must be postive, not ' + str(epsilon)
low= 0
high= x
guess= (low+ high)/2.0
counter= 1
while (abs(guess** 2 - x) > epsilon)and (counter <= 100):
if guess** 2 < x:
low= guess
else :
high= guess
guess= (low+ high)/2.0
counter+= 1
return guess
上面的方法,如果 X<1 ,就会有问题。因为 X (X<1)的平方根不在 [0, x] 的范围内。例如,0.25,它的平方根——0.5 不在 [0, 0.25] 的区间内。
def sqrtBI(x, epsilon):
assert x>0,'X must be non-nagtive, not ' + str(x)
assert epsilon >0,'epsilon must be postive, not ' + str(epsilon)
low= 0
high= max(x,1.0)
## high = x
guess= (low+ high)/2.0
counter= 1
while (abs(guess** 2 - x) > epsilon)and (counter <= 100):
if guess** 2 < x:
low= guess
else :
high= guess
guess= (low+ high)/2.0
counter+= 1
return guess